Welcome to Nutrition Doctor.
Food has the power to heal, it is a tool that can be used medicinally to combat chronic disease. Real food has the power to give you a better quality of life. Start with prevention rather than cure.
WHO recently stated that global obesity has more than doubled since 1980 with 1.9 billion adults being overweight and 600 million obese. Obesity is a preventable disease. There are more obese people than starving people on the planet.Healthy lifestyle is about food, fitness, focus, faith and support,
these aspects contribute to an improved lifestyle
these aspects contribute to an improved lifestyle

You are what you eat, make sure to eat real food that boosts health and restores vitality.

Exercise is proven to give you more energy, increase endurance and focus, reduce stress and improve sleep.

The focus of your thoughts will magnify and multiply what you feel. What you think determines how you feel and how you feel determines how you act.

Faith is a firm assurance and belief in something. What the mind believes the body will achieve.

As individuals, we are not made to be alone, everyone searches for a sense of community and belonging. Nutrition Doctor firmly believes that change cannot take place in a vacuum, therefore we are here to support you.
Nutrition Doctor offers fast and effective lifestyle solutions.
- Personalised eating plan tailored to your goals, health status and Inbody assessment
- Monthly Inbody assessment evaluation
- Expert supplement recommendation to optimise results
- Weekly motivation and guidance to keep you on track
- Exciting and delicious recipes
- Within 24 Hour Whatsapp support and email support

How do you start?
We are here to help you achieve your health and wellness goals, here are the first steps to getting started:
Inbody assessment
It is essential to share your most recent Inbody assessment with us. This can be achieved by sending it via email or requesting your studio to do this on your behalf.

Complete the online questionnaire
This will equip us to personalise your support according to your dietary preferences, health or fitness goals and any medical history you may have.

Whatsapp Us 063 675 5426
Let's get to know you first, so start off by telling us your name, number, email address and which Body20 studio you go to.
This is where you will receive weekly motivational tips and delicious recipes. We want to hear from you, so ask us any questions you may have and one of our Doctors will personally respond to you within 24 hours.

Inbody report
After the first three steps have been completed, you will receive a full comprehensive Inbody report with professional recommendations along with your log-in details to the Nutrition Doctor Member Zone where you will have full access to recipes, nutritional education, lifestyle challenges and much more.

The InBody Test provides a comprehensive view of body composition balance. Body water, proteins, minerals, and body fat, which are the components of the human body closely relate to the status of our health.
The Inbody utilizes BIA (Bioelectrical Impedence Analysis) method which measures body water by obtaining the impedance index. This test is complimentary along with a free technology workout at a Body20 studio near you.
The Inbody utilizes BIA (Bioelectrical Impedence Analysis) method which measures body water by obtaining the impedance index. This test is complimentary along with a free technology workout at a Body20 studio near you.
Terms and conditions:
Nutrition Doctors and Body 20 Global exclude all liability and responsibility for any amount or kind of loss or damage that may result to a user of Nutrition Doctor’s advice or programmes or a third party (including without limitations and any direct, indirect, punitive or consequential loss or damages or any loss of income, profits use of money or loss or damages arising from or connected in any way to the company or the use of the company’s programmes or advice. As registered professional we adhere strictly to the stipulations of the Health Professions council of South Africa.